Genre: Drama
Source: USA (1994)
Rating: PG-13
Location/Format: Netflix Streaming
Grade: D+
Wow, this movie was not very good.
From Julia Ormond crying in practically every scene, to music that was trying so hard to be epic and bold that it got in the way of letting the viewer find an emotion on their own, to Anthony Hopkins' scrunchy stroke face. It just didn't work for me.
Moments that were supposed to be profound became silly. Moments that were supposed to be romantic became dull. Moments that were supposed to be meaningful came off as trite.
I admit, I like Aidan Quinn and Brad Pitt, and both of them are working well with what they've got, but what they've got is too much out of a soap opera to work for me. And I just wanted to take a huge knife of my own to Brad Pitt's hair.
I can imagine that had I seen this movie when it was released I would have thought it was awesome. And I can imagine that had I seen this movie on Blu-ray I would have thought it was at least pretty to look at. But Netflix Streaming and being a grown up made neither of those things really work for me.
But I guess I can say I've seen it now. (And props to Clementine for having the good sense to not be swayed by Brad Pitt's good looks and still to realize it wasn't a very good movie).
Alternate Film Title: "A Man's Gotta Do What a Man's Gotta Do, and Sometimes What a Man's Gotta Do Is Cut Out His Brother's Heart"
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