Director: Tim Burton
Genre: Animated
Source: USA (2012)
Rating: PG
Location/Format: Blu-Ray
Grade: B-
I'm not sure there could be a more Tim Burton-y movie than this (but then again I think that with pretty much every Tim Burton movie. It's like each gets a little more twee, a little more black and white, a little more Danny Elfman. I made a point in an earlier post about Wes Anderson movies always being immediately identifiable, but that might be more so with Tim Burton, and this time I don't mean it as a compliment. Too much of a good thing, and what not).
This movie was fine, and relatively cute, but 2012 was also the year Para-Norman came out, and that stop-motion film is superior to this stop-motion film on all counts, from character to animation to paranormal fun to general entertainment value. This one made me laugh and "Aww" a few times, but no more than I expected to, and not in any unexpected ways. Though the nods to Universal Horror monsters of the 30s-40s were fun, I just don't have the connection to that era of films that a lot of directors do. Yes Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein are ground-breaking and innovative, but I have more interest in them for their historic value than their inherent entertainment value, which is not the case with all "old" movies.
All things considered, the movie's fine, but I'd rather go watch Para-Norman and Nightmare Before Christmas and Coraline than sit through this one again. All three of those are more original and more fun.
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