Genre: Action
Source: USA (2013)
Rating: PG-13
Location/Format: Glynn Place Stadium Cinemas
Grade: F
I feel like I deserve a "friend of the year" award for sitting through this movie with a buddy who didn't want to go alone. The writing, the plot, the character development: none of them have anything interesting to say or do. While there was some good fight choreography (mostly attributable to the presence of Gina Carano, who continues to put up a strong argument for being cast as Wonder Woman), nothing in this movie surprised me, made me care, or had any effect other than to serve as an advertisement for HGH. The franchise has now pretty successfully turned into the XXX dead-on-arrival franchise that Diesel was hoping for way back when, but that doesn't make it good. And at this point, the attempt to make the street racing scene appear to be still hip and cool just feels about a decade off.
Ugh, seriously. And they didn't even have the courtesy to make it a ninety minute movie! They stretched it out to two hours and ten minutes. I could have been home cleaning out the lint trap or going through the junk mail. What a waste of time.
Alternate Film Title: "Male Power Fantasy for the Worst Kind of Dudebros"
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