Genre: Comedy
Source: USA (2012)
Rating: R
Location/Format: Netflix Instant Streaming
Grade: C
This film is clearly Dax Shepherd's baby, and while I can't fault a guy for wanting to make a film that highlights his sense of humor (occassional), his interests (cars), and his girlfriend (Kristen Bell), at times it feels a little too self-indulgent and self-satisfied. I'm not sure if I actually like his character of Charlie Bronson/Yul Perkins (two terrible names, which the movie at least acknowledges) or just have good will built towards him because of my fondness for Kristen Bell. Either way, I liked him/them enough to keep watching for a while, but eventually his inconsistent character and her deliberate naivety got a little bit old.
I mean really, your boyfriend tells you he's in witness protection and you just assume he witnessed something? No thought that he might have actually been involved in something? Do you not understand how witness protection works? And how, given the accomplishments that everyone talks about so much, is her character so seemingly clueless in so many areas?
Tom Arnold and Bradley Cooper both actually kind of made me laugh a few times, so that's saying something, but overall this movie was more hit and miss than just hit. And that is a terrible pun.
Alternate Film Title: "I Don't Think You Understand How Witness Protection Is Supposed to Work"
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