Genre: Comedy
Source: USA(2012)
Rating: R
Location/Format: Netflix Instant Watch
Grade: B
Entertaining enough little film that takes your typical rom-com indie movie characters (the wild ones! the lonely one! the not-so-perfect perfect couple! the other ones!) and throws them into the end of the world. As they come together over petty jealousies, betrayals, and comic tableau, the world outside their little home is (perhaps literally) going to hell, with chemical weapon attacks, unseen attackers, and quite possibly World War III.
Of course we as an audience don't see any of that, because our little ensemble seals themselves inside the house (increasingly disturbing exterior shots are played--I think--for laughs, but do a good job gauging the increasing severity of the situation). Even if they hadn't, however, one of the film's objects of ridicule seems to be the self-obsession and naval-gazing of late twenty/early thirty something hipsters who are the "ideals" of so many other indie movies. These guys can't even stay focused on the apocalypse--they always bring it back to themselves, their relationships, their own point of view. In actuality, there's something to that, I think. If disaster were to strike right now, but it didn't immediately upset your surroundings, how many of us wouldn't keep up the day-to-day rhythms of our lives, including whatever cosmically small challenges we are dealing with? We all live in our own little shells, and it's hard to break through them.
Lots of well played comic performances here. America Ferrera didn't quite stand up to the rest of the ensemble. She's not bad, she's just not as funny as more gifted comedians like David Cross and Erinn Hayes, and she doesn't have the acting chops of Julia Stiles. She was really the weak link, but just because the other seven were so much more engaging.
Not bad overall. A relatively light and surprisingly enjoyable way to watch the world end.
Alternate Film Title: "Least Believable Aspect: Everyone Commenting on How Cute David Cross Is"
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