Friday, August 30, 2013

Book: Let's Pretend This Never Happened

Blogger (or Bloggess, I guess is her Internet appellation) Jenny Lawson is undoubtedly funny. She has the ability to take any normal story to an 11, and often in unexpected ways. She's like Dave Sedaris but a little more offensive and with less attention to detail, less of a filter, and less philosophical insight. I tore through her book in a matter of days, and though her childhood is neither as terrible or as disturbing as she claims, and though her ability to make any situation awkward and light mental imbalances may be at times cringe-inducing, it is all also pretty funny.

But also exhausting. I have to imagine spending extended time with Jenny, if she's anything like her writing voice, would try anyone's patience after a while. There's great humor, but also who wants to always be at 11 all the time? 

Still, that's a minor complaint, and if I got a little tired of her constant mountain-out-of-molehill-making, I still really enjoyed the read. She thinks differently than most people, and that ability to see things from a skewed perspective means that I never knew where her stories and her head were going to take her, even if her life itself (this being a memoir and all) didn't go anywhere particularly exciting. She's still a satisfying bit of good cheer, and if the writing may get a little redundant, it also had me laughing out loud repeatedly. (Seriously. People were looking at me funny at the gym.) And that, at the start of the school year, is just what I needed.  

Grade: B

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