Friday, October 11, 2013

Film: Bad Kids Go to Hell

Director: Matthew Spradlin
Genre: Comedy Horror
Source: USA (2012)
Rating: R
Location/Format: Netflix Instant Watch
Grade: D

I'll say this for Bad Kids Go to Hell. It was a better horror comedy than A Haunted House, which I watched last week. Unfortunately, that's a little like saying, "Hey, at least your cancer isn't ebola!" Yeah . . . I guess that's true.

What sounded like kind of a promising horror comedy riff on The Breakfast Club (even featuring Judd Nelso cameoing as the school headmaster), turns out to be a lot more . . . dull than that, as a needlessly complicated plot and a stupid "Haunted Indian" storyline suck all the interest out of this film. It doesn't help that all of the actors are a) terrible, and b) look to be around 30 years old. It also doesn't help that the "videos and flashbacks" to prior events are used so clunkily. And that's not even a word. And it really doesn't help that the ultimate reveals are so lame. 

Anyway, that's probably all that needs to be said. It could be worse, but it should have been a lot better. After shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer handled the idea really effectively a decade ago, "teens figure out an evil threat" has to actually be a lot more clever than this to be effective.

Alternate Film Title: "Even Emilio Estevez's Agent Must Have Passed on This, And That's Saying Something"

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