Friday, October 11, 2013

Film: A Haunted House

Director: Michael tiddes
Genre: Comedy (Supposedly) Horror
Source: USA (2013)
Rating: R
Location/Format: Netflix Instant Watch
Grade: F

Well, in my hope of watching Halloween movies all through October (since I'm not a gory movie fan, but I do like horror movies) I decided to watch with a little horror comedy. 

At least that was the intention. This parody movie doesn't adequately fit either category, since it's neither scary nor funny.

Like, at all.

At a certain point, finishing this film became an act of willpower, because I was so not enjoying it, but kept holding out hope it would get funnier, since there are a few people in it that have made me laugh in the past.

I guess everybody needs a paycheck. Because this is terrible.

Alternate Film Title: "86 Minutes You Will Never Get Back"

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