Genre: Action Comedy
Source: USA (1984)
Rating: R
Location/Format: Netflix Instant Streaming
Grade: B
Classic 80s action comedy.
Eddie Murphy walks through this movie like he knows he's the coolest guy on screen, and he is, no doubt. The synthesizer soundtrack still stands up, as do most of Eddie's one-liners (his attempt to get a room at the Beverly Hills hotel when he arrives is even funnier in light of the recent Paula Dean scandal, I think). Judge Reinhold looks at Murphy like he wants to either kiss him or take notes on everything he does, and why not? Murphy is just that solid.
What can I say that hasn't already been said? Solid entertainment.
Bonus time travel features: seeing the "high-tech" Beverly Hills police department is amazing today. I wonder if our "high tech" movies of today will look this outdated in 30 years. Probably even more so, given the current rate of technology advancement. Because while Eddie looks around in wonderment, I couldn't help but think it looked like NASA circa 1967: dials, switches, giant consoles. That said (and in contrast), Detroit is even worse today, I hear! I wonder if this film and Robocop deserve some of the blame for the perception of Detroit as a hellhole.
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