Genre: Drama/Thriller
Source: USA (2011)
Rating: PG-13
Location/Format: HBO
Grade: D
Jim Sheridan, what the heck happened?
The silliness of this movie made me do minimal amounts of research in order to discover how the same guy who made My Left Foot could turn out this bit of junk. Turns out he hated it too! Apparently he clashed with producers, was dissatisfied with the script, and hated the final cut of the movie so much that he tried to get his name taken off the film and refused to do press.
So, hope restored.
Anyway, Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz are trying, and they're good enough actors that they elevate the material a bit, but honestly it's just not very good. Things that shouldn't be telegraphed are telegraphed pretty early on, and the climax is just laughable.
On the other hand, it's always nice to see these actors, even if they don't have anything interesting to do in this one. Here's hoping they get a chance to work together in something better.
Alternate Film Title: "All the Elements You've Seen in Better Movies, Now in This Movie!"
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