Thursday, June 27, 2013

Film: The Internship

Director: Shawn Levy
Genre: Comedy
Source: USA (2013)
Rating: PG-13
Location/Format: Regal Cinemas
Grade: B

Look, I get that as far as comedies go, This Is the End is probably the cleverer of the two movies, with more innovative jokes and more film pedigree. I get that this movie is basically a giant commercial about how amazing Google is. And I get that Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are basically doing the same schtick they've been working since about 1997.

But I'll be damned if I didn't really enjoy this movie.

I'm trying to put my finger on why that is. I think it has something to do with my soft spot for Vaughn and Wilson. Like a lot of people, I discovered them in the late 90s with Swingers and Bottle Rocket, and at the time they had on-screen personalities of the type I hadn't really seen before, or at least a type I hadn't noticed. Both of them were (and are) goofy, strange, relying on their words and delivery more than their looks. And when they are allowed to run free, they can create a wall of words that overwhelms you, in a good way. I loved it in '97, and though the more they throw the same punches the less effective they become, they still have the ability to occasionally connect with a solid uppercut that leaves you reeling. Subpar director Shawn Levy knows where the magic is, and so the film feels as though the two stars are kind of given free reign, and it works.

The plot is stupid. Most of the characters are silly and predictable. The ending is assured from the beginning. But when you sit back and let Vaughn's avalanche of words take you away, or when you see the occasional solid cameo (Will Ferrell, I'm looking at you), the movie works. It's a fun time, a good date movie, and an entertaining trip. I don't have a problem with that.

Alternate Film Title: "Google: The Movie"